The movement toward a circular and regenerative economy is well underway, and this handbook is here to help anyone discover how they, too, can design systems change for a positive future. The decision to be involved in change, be it in your personal or professional life, starts by discovering how to activate your personal agency, identifying the sphere of influence you uniquely hold and then actioning your creative potential to engage with change. The core content in the handbook, the fifth in a series on how to make positive impactful change, offers a practical roadmap for activating a career as a creative changemaker by design.


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    • Design Systems Change Handbook


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Written by Dr. Leyla Acaroglu

Author Bio:

Sustainability provocateur, award-winning designer, 2016 UNEP Champion of the Earth, and creative changemaker pioneer, Dr. Leyla Acaroglu challenges people to think differently about how the world works. As the founder of the UnSchool and creator of the Disruptive Design Method, Leyla weaves together her skills as a designer, sociologist, and social entrepreneur to create highly immersive educative experiences. She is a renowned international expert on systems thinking and sustainability, running workshops around the world and designing activating experiences, gamified toolkits, and unique educational experiences that help equip people with the tools to intervene and change systems to make the status quo obsolete. Sought after for her unique approach to activating positive social change by design, Leyla's main-stage TED talk on sustainability has been viewed over a million times, and she is the author of several handbooks, as well as an op ed contributor for major publications like the New York Times.

Dr. Leyla Acaroglu

UnSchool Founder + Global Change Maker


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