By taking this course, you will learn how to advance a systems mindset so that we can move to a regenerative, circular and sustainable economy. In this class, you will learn all about supply chain impacts and how to map your current supply chains. Then, you'll dive into how to make choices to dramatically reduce the ethical and environmental impacts of your supply chains. Discover the global movement for supply chain sustainability and develop policies that will help you create change.

IDCEC Approved


For our interior design community, this course (CEU-116132) has been reviewed and approved by the IDCEC for 1.00 CEU credit.

Course curriculum

  • 01
  • 02

    Supply Chain Sustainability

    • Watch: Sustainable Supply Chains

    • Read: Introduction to Supply Chain Sustainability

    • Read: The UN Global Compact

    • Read: Managing Supply Chain Impacts

    • Download: Supply Chain Impact Worksheets

    • Read: Important Sustainable Supply Chain Concepts

    • Read: The Transition to the Green Economy

    • Read: Climate Action

    • Read: Carbon Accounting

    • Watch: About Carbon Neutrality

  • 03

    Supply Chain Mapping

    • Watch: Supply Chain Mapping

    • Read: Supply Chain Mapping

    • Read: Supply Chain Mapping Steps

    • Download: Supply Chain Mapping Worksheet

    • Read: Supply Chain Action Set

  • 04

    Product Life Cycle Assessment & Certification

    • Read: Product Life Cycle Assessment

    • Read: Eco Labels and ISO Certification

    • Read: Life Cycle Thinking

    • Watch: Overview of Life Cycle Thinking

    • Read: How to do a Life Cycle Map

    • Download: Life Cycle Stages Worksheet

    • Read: Online Life Cycle Tools

    • Read: Product Service System Models and Mapping

    • Read: Environmental Product Declarations

  • 05

    Additional Resources

    • Additional Links and Resources

    • Watch: About the Sustainability in Business 3D Framework

  • 06


    • Continue Your Learning Journey!

    • Watch: A Thank You Message From Leyla


Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs

  • Text length of individual points can be shorter or longer depending on your needs


Sliding scale pricing available for this course

  • Full Price

    This pricing level is for those who have the resources to contribute the full price in either one payment or two instalments. Your full price payment helps support those who otherwise would have a hard time accessing the course.

  • Supported Price

    This pricing level is for those who can contribute to the course cost, but not at the full level, however are still relatively comfortable with the cost. The supported price is equivalent to approximately half price.

  • Emerging Price

    This price level is for those who have either currency conversions that are distinctly unfavourable, are students, or are experiencing other hardships or circumstances that are impacting their ability to pay the full or supported fee.

Pricing options

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